Product Toolbox

Your campaign, your product
Your campaign should be entirely geared to your needs and objectives. Thanks to a vast selection of customised modules, this is possible in the AdUnit Customer Center. You select and pick the product for your programmatic campaign.
- Which advertising tool: display or video
- Optimised for reach (ad impressions), traffic (clicks) or action (conversion)
- Delivery on the Open Market, via deals or combined
- Or placement in a specific environment such as premium pages, only Swiss pages (.ch), thematic platforms etc.
With just one click, you can access your personally assembled products for your next bookings.
After having selected a suitable campaign product, you can select all other parameters simply and rapidly
- Geographic targeting (Hyper-Geo, ZIP codes, regions, cantons, economic areas etc.)
- Interests of your target group
- Duration, delivery times and budget for your campaign
- The agency commission you are willing to pay
- In addition, you can create the specific design of your advertising material during the booking process